About Me

My name is Billy Jones (@NFL_Billy_Jones), and I am excited to bring my passion for sports and data to this blog. I am currently a CPA and Data Scientist at BDO where I get to leverage my unique background obtained through my collegiate studies (Bachelors in Accounting from UMass Amherst and a Master's in Applied Data Science from Syracuse) to work on data science and innovation projects related to accounting and audit problems.

As a data scientist and sports fan, I have always been drawn to the power of analytics to better understand the game and have wanted to write a blog about it for while. However, due to the challenges posed by my dyslexia, expressing my thoughts and ideas in a concise and efficient manner has always been difficult for me. That's why I'm incredibly excited about this blog, where I will often leverage ChatGPT technology to help assist me in articulating my thoughts more dynamically and efficiently than ever before.

While the blog will be enabled by GPT, I want to emphasize that all content will be my own thoughts and opinions. Any content that originates from GPT will be heavily edited to reflect my own thoughts and perspectives, as well as those of other blog contributors. The process is to formulate the blog post idea and go to ChatGPT with a set of instructions of what I am looking for. Then to iterate through a series of back and forths with ChatGPT to get a first draft of sorts. From there each word in each paragraph is reviewed and edited to reflect exactly what I want to say. If anyone is interested in seeing the original GPT content, this will be made available upon request.

*This blog post was enabled by ChatGPT. The text was generated by me, and the content is my own, but some sentences and wording were provided by the model. More information about OpenAI and their technology can be found at https://openai.com.*


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